Home BURSARY Dalhousie University Bursary 2024/2025 – Application, Eligibility & Online Application

Dalhousie University Bursary 2024/2025 – Application, Eligibility & Online Application

The Dalhousie University Bursary is more than a financial aid; it is a testament to the university’s dedication to ensuring that every talented individual has the opportunity to access higher education regardless of their financial circumstances. This bursary program acknowledges the diverse challenges that students face and seeks to alleviate the financial burdens that could otherwise impede their progress.

Aiding Students in Need

The bursary is designed to assist students who face genuine financial need. Whether due to unexpected financial hardships, family circumstances, or other challenges, the bursary aims to provide a safety net that enables students to continue their studies with peace of mind. It’s a way for the university to reaffirm its commitment to supporting students throughout their educational journey.

Types of Bursaries

Dalhousie University offers a variety of bursaries that cater to different situations and needs. These bursaries encompass undergraduate and graduate students across various disciplines. Some bursaries are specifically targeted at certain groups, such as indigenous students or those pursuing specific fields of study. This diversity reflects the university’s commitment to addressing a wide range of challenges that students might face.

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Dalhousie University Bursary Application and Selection Process

The application process for the Dalhousie University Bursary varies based on the specific bursary and the level of study. Generally, students need to complete an application form and provide documentation that outlines their financial need. This may include information about family income, expenses, and any extenuating circumstances. The selection process takes into account the demonstrated need and the bursary’s eligibility criteria.

Dalhousie University’s Undergraduate Bursary program provides funds to assist students in financial need. Bursaries are typically smaller amounts of money, intended to supplement other funding sources. Bursaries won’t make up a major part of your funding, but they can fill in the gaps.

Dalhousie University Bursary Eligibility

Criteria for bursary consideration

  • Registered in an undergraduate degree, the Diploma of Dental Hygiene or Master of Social Work program at Dalhousie University.
  • Registered in a minimum of 6 credit hours of classes per term.
  • Be in good academic standing.
  • Demonstrate financial need.
  • Have applied for government student loans* and/or a bank line of credit* (where available in a student’s home country).
  • Students may access the bursary program for a maximum of five years.

*Government and/or bank student loans
Students are expected to use all available resources outside of the university before applying to the Bursary Program, including government student loan and/or bank line of credit funding. If you are not eligible for either program, please provide the reasons in the bursary application.


  • Bursary assistance is available for only the current academic term.
  • Visiting students from other institutions are not eligible for bursaries.
  • Use of Dalhousie property for whatever legitimate reason (e.g., class attendance, accommodation, parking, Dalplex, payment of fees in arrangement with another university, or enrolment in a joint program whether or not Dalhousie’s name is attached thereto) is not considered registration at Dalhousie University.
  • Law, Medicine, Dentistry and graduate (except Master of Social Work) students can contact their respective faculty offices for bursary information.
  • Bursaries will not be awarded to cover current or previous debts, nor do we consider outstanding fees or other charges from a previous term.
  • Dalhousie University is neither structured, nor mandated, to provide emergency financial services.

Demonstrating financial need

  • You must demonstrate financial need by filling out a bursary application through Dal Online.
  • Families are expected to contribute to the cost of your education, if they have the means to do so.
  • Students are considered dependent on their parents for the first four years out of high school. If you have exceptional circumstances in this regard, please note them in your application.

Check also Canada Government-Funded Awards | Scholarships

Dalhousie University Bursary 2024/2025 Bursary Program

  • Eligible students: Undergraduate, Diploma of Dental Hygiene, and Master of Social Work students are eligible to apply for a bursary. See full eligibility criteria.
  • Apply online: The application will be available through Dal Online during the dates below. Login to Dal Online, select the “Student Awards and Financial Aid” menu option, then select “Apply for Financial Aid”.
  • Email required documents: After applying online, email any required documentation to [email protected] with a subject of “Bursary Application.”
  • You may apply for a bursary once per academic term.
  • Decisions will be sent to your Dalhousie email address approximately three weeks after the deadline.
  • If you missed the bursary deadline but find yourself in financial need, please contact the Awards and Financial Aid Office at [email protected] to explore your options.
  • If you already received a bursary this term but find you are now experiencing unexpected emergency costs please contact the Awards and Financial Aid Office at [email protected] to explore your options.
Term Dates Deadline to submit an appeal
Fall 2023 September 1 – October 15 TBD
Winter 2024 January 2 – February 15 TBD
Summer 2024 May 1 – June 15 TBD

Dalhousie University Students in Graduate Programs, Law, Medicine or Dentistry Bursary

Students in graduate programs, law, medicine or dentistry apply for bursaries through their faculty:

King’s College

Students attending the University of King’s College should contact the King’s Registrar’s Office for information on available bursaries.

Research external options

There are a number of external scholarships offered to university students on behalf of outside organizations.


The Dalhousie University Bursary stands as a testament to the transformative power of education and community support. By providing financial assistance to students in need, Dalhousie University reaffirms its commitment to ensuring that no one’s potential is hindered by financial constraints. The bursary program not only opens doors to education but also empowers individuals to pursue their dreams, contribute to their communities, and make a positive impact on the world.

Read Common Wealth Scholarships

Bursary FAQs

Am I automatically considered for all bursaries at Dalhousie?

You will be considered for most bursaries through the undergraduate bursary application, but you may be eligible for others. Check the awards section in the academic calendar and with your Department and Faculty for other possible options

How are bursary amounts determined?

A number of factors affect the bursary amount a student is awarded. Annual bursary budget, the number of eligible applicants, a student’s year or study, whether they have dependents, and their demonstated financial need are some of the major factors. Financial need is determined by comparing your resources with your expenses.

How will I receive the bursary money?

Dalhousie Undergraduate bursaries are provided to students one of three ways:

  1. Through Interac e-Transfer to your Dalhousie Email address to a Canadian bank account.
  2. Through Interac e-Transfer to your Dalhousie Email address to a international bank account.
  3. Applied to your Dalhousie Student Account.

Follow these steps to accept an e-transfer:

  • Open the Interac email and select your bank and log in
  • Enter the correct answer to the security question
  • Select an account to deposit the funds
  • Review and confirm the information that you have entered

If you cannot locate the e-transfer email, please check your Dalhousie email account on a computer, and check your spam, junk, and clutter folders.

Can I appeal the bursary decision?

If you were not awarded a bursary but feel your situation warrants reconsideration, please submit an appeal via email to [email protected]. If the Awards Office can accomodate appeals, the deadline will be listed on our website.

Do I have to pay taxes on my bursary?

Please review the current Revenue Canada regulations as not all scholarships and bursaries have to be reported.

Who will be notified of my bursary?

We are required to provide the names of bursary recipients to respective student aid authorites upon request. Students should be aware that any bursary money received may cause an overaward on their student loans. At the end of the bursary application you’ll be asked to accept or decline your name being forwarded to donors of any bursaries you may receive.

What assistance is available if I receive a bursary but I am still short of funds?

We are here to help. Please reach out and book a meeting with one of our financial aid advisors so we can review your situation and help you explore your options.

If you have properly prepared a budget and found that you are extremely short in funds, you may have to consider part-time studies or postponing university until you are financially able to attend.

I applied but was not awarded a bursary. Why?

You can see the reason you were denied on DalOnline. If you have any questions about the decision or feel your situation warrants reconsideration, please email us or book an appointment to speak with a financial aid advisor.

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